Recently, you started to experience some discomfort on one side of your jaw. There are a range of things that can cause your jaw to hurt, but what does it mean if you are only experiencing pain on one side of your face? Read on to learn about five things that may cause jaw pain on one side and may require a visit to your emergency dentist.
#1: Temporomandibular Joint Disorder (TMD)
The temporomandibular joints, also called TMJ, are joints that are located on both sides of your face and connect your skull to your lower jawbone. Temporomandibular joint disorder, or TMD, occurs when the disk separating the bones and that helps the joint move is damaged or misaligned. This may cause a range of issues, including jaw pain on one or both sides of your jaw.
#2: Sinusitis
This sinus infection occurs when the cavities around the nasal passages are swollen. Acute sinusitis can be caused by allergies or the common cold. On the other hand, sinusitis that lasts eight weeks or longer and becomes chronic may be the result of growths or an infection. In addition, inflammation behind the cheeks may result in jaw pain on one or both sides of the face.
#3: Trigeminal Neuralgia
The trigeminal nerve is located in your head and provides sensations in the face and motor functions like biting and chewing. Trigeminal Neuralgia develops when abnormal pressure is put on this nerve and is often caused by brain abnormalities or an injury. This may prevent the nerve from functioning the way it’s supposed to, which can result in intense jaw pain on one side.
#4: Osteomyelitis
This is a rare bone infection that develops when bacteria get inside the bone. People who just underwent dental surgery are at risk of developing this infection in their jawbone. Things like serious dental problems, immune system conditions, and mouth injuries can also lead to osteomyelitis.
#5: Cysts and Tumors
Both cysts and tumors are abnormal growths, but the former is filled with liquid or a semisolid substance and the latter is a mass of tissue. Tumors form when cells grow and divide quicker than they’re supposed to or don’t die when they should, and cysts are generally noncancerous and can be caused by a range of things, including injuries. Both of these growths can result in jaw pain, and your dentist should be able to detect them by taking X-rays.
If you experience jaw pain on one side of your face, it’s best to contact your dentist as soon as possible to schedule an appointment. Though it may not be dangerous, this will allow you to have the issue treated promptly so you can maintain good oral and overall health.
About the Author
NeoSmile Dental Care treats residents of all ages in the Spring House area with the exceptional oral health services they deserve. If you’re experiencing jaw pain on one side of your face, they can do a thorough examination to determine what’s causing it and administer the treatment you need. Ready to set up an appointment with NeoSmile Dental Care or want to learn more? Call (215) 643-5220 or visit their website to get started today.