How to Handle a Loose Adult Tooth
January 4, 2023

When we’re younger, our baby teeth serve us well for several years before becoming loose and naturally falling out. However, this isn’t supposed to happen with our adult teeth; they’re intended to assist us for the rest of our lives! So needless to say, it can be a little alarming when you discover that one of yours has loosened. Here’s what causes this to sometimes happen along with how your emergency dentist is the best person to address the issue.
How Do Adult Teeth Become Loose?
Though they’re meant to be permanent fixtures in our mouth, our adult teeth can unfortunately become loose and fall out due to things both in and out of our control. Some common causes for adult teeth loosening include poor oral hygiene, extensive tooth decay, gum disease, and oral trauma or injury. If you develop a loose tooth later in life, you may experience other symptoms such as bleeding and swollen gums or gum recession.
What Should I Do If My Tooth Is Loose?
Regardless of how your tooth has become loose, it is something that needs to be addressed. It’s worth noting that issues such as gum disease can progress and lead to bone deterioration, which can cause tooth loss, facial collapse, and a slew of other health problems. A permanent tooth that’s become displaced (sometimes referred to as an avulsed tooth) is considered a dental emergency and warrants prompt treatment.
Even if the tooth doesn’t seem like it’s going to fall out any time soon, you should still schedule an appointment with your dentist immediately. If you can get there within half an hour, you’ll increase its chances of being saved. Other things that are strongly advised include:
- Keep the tooth in place, avoid playing with it, and do not touch the root.
- Try to refrain from eating, but if you must, avoid sticky, chewy, and hard foods.
- Avoid brushing and flossing; instead, rinse your mouth gently with warm water to help reduce bacterial buildup.
If you can make it to your dentist quickly, they should be able to help! Loose teeth caused by impact injuries can be treated with dental splints that are attached to adjacent teeth, securing them until the roots heal. If the source of the issue is gum disease, sometimes a deep cleaning is able to remove the built-up plaque and reduce inflammation. In serious cases, tooth extraction or surgery can be required for loose teeth—but it’s all for the benefit of your oral health.
About the Practice
The team at NeoSmile Dental Care proudly serves patients and families in the Spring House, PA area. The practice is led by Dr. Krunal Patel and Dr. Poorvi Gandhi. They’re thrilled to offer a wide range of services including emergency dentistry. If you or a loved one has discovered a loose adult tooth, don’t hesitate to schedule an appointment online or by phone to get your smile the help it needs: (215) 643-5220.
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