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Back-to-School Tips to Prevent Dental Emergencies

August 1, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — springhousedentist @ 5:51 pm

Books, apple, and school supplies in front of young boyAs summer vacation winds down, it’s time to get your child ready to head back to the classroom. While you shop for all the items they need to succeed this school year, are you forgetting about their dental health? According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, over 34 million school hours are lost every year due to dental emergencies, like toothaches. Although you may never expect your child to experience a dental emergency, 1 in 6 Americans requires urgent care from a dentist every year. You can’t always stop accidents from happening, but here are a few things you can do to safeguard your little one’s smile.

Schedule a Cleaning and Checkup

Many dental emergencies are caused by preventable issues, like cavities. Nearly 46% of children aged 2-19 have cavities in primary and permanent teeth. You can ensure your child doesn’t have untreated decay by scheduling their semi-annual dental cleaning and checkup before they go back to school. Their pediatric dentist will examine their mouth to look for anything concerning, like weakened enamel. They’ll provide the quick care they need to save them from a future toothache.

Limit Sugars and Starches

Half of pediatric dental emergencies are caused by the consequences of untreated tooth decay. Childhood cavities are more common than asthma. You can lessen your child’s risk by limiting sugars and starches. Sugars and starches feed cavity-causing bacteria that will slowly erode their enamel. It’s best to pick fresh fruits, vegetables, and other healthy snacks when you pack their lunch in the morning.

Invest in an Athletic Mouthguard

According to the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry, 10-39% of all dental injuries in children are sports-related. Studies have found that athletes are 60 times more likely to suffer a dental injury when not wearing a mouthguard. An athletic mouthguard will protect your little one’s mouth in the event of trauma or injury. Besides preventing dental injuries, researchers have found that athletic mouthguards may even lower the risk of concussions. Ensure your child never steps out onto the field or court without wearing an athletic mouthguard.

Support Good Oral Hygiene Habits

Life can get pretty busy during the school year, but make sure your little one continues to brush their teeth twice a day for 2 minutes. Ensure they are flossing their teeth every night before bed. Supporting good oral hygiene habits will keep their mouth healthy and create a lifelong commitment to their dental health.

You can set your child up for success by keeping their oral health a priority during the school year.

About Dr. Poorvi Gandhi

Dr. Gandhi achieved her dental degree from the Kornberg School of Dentistry at Temple University and has continued her education in the latest innovations in dentistry to provide dental services for all ages. She is a proud member of the American Dental Association and the Pennsylvania Dental Association. Request an appointment through her website or call her office at (215) 631-8846.

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