With all the changes the COVID-19 pandemic has made to our everyday lives, it’s completely natural to feel stressed. Sometimes, this reaction can help us stay alert and cautious during uncertain times. However, it’s more well known for the negative health symptoms it causes. While you probably know that stress causes headaches, insomnia, and an upset stomach, did you know it can damage your dental health as well? Your Spring House dentist reveals five stress-related bad dental habits to look out for and how to keep your smile healthy in quarantine.
1.) Using Too Much Force While Toothbrushing
Do you pay attention to how much force you use while brushing your teeth? Feeling stressed may make you more prone to overaggressive brushing, which scratches away your enamel and leaves your teeth sensitive and weakened.
To stop yourself from using too much force while brushing, try holding your toothbrush with your fingertips. This keeps you from applying the same amount of pressure as holding it inside your fist.
2.) Grinding Your Teeth While Asleep
Feeling stressed may cause bruxism, a condition where you grind your teeth in your sleep. The extra stress in your mouth every night leads to constant headaches, jaw issues, and eventually broken teeth.
To relax the jaw before bed, try placing a warm compress on your face. Once quarantine orders are lifted, consider visiting your dentist for a diagnosis and a custom nightguard.
3.) Chewing on Hard Objects
A common nervous habit is to chew on hard objects. However, gnawing on hard items like pen caps, ice, and your fingernails wears down and weakens your teeth. You may suddenly chip or crack a tooth!
This can be a very difficult habit to break for some people. Instead of giving up chewing altogether, satiate the need by chewing a piece of sugarless gum.
4.) Stress-Eating Throughout the Day
It can be easy to mindlessly snack or stress-eat throughout the day when you’re stuck at home during stressful times. Unfortunately, constantly snacking on comfort food drastically increases your risk of tooth decay.
To protect yourself from cavities in quarantine, try limiting your eating to mealtimes. If you do choose to snack, pick healthy, sugar-free items and drink plenty of water.
5.) Forgetting to Brush Your Teeth
It’s very likely that the COVID-19 pandemic has completely changed your “normal” day-to-day life. Despite most of your routines being upended, don’t forget to continue practicing regular dental care! Write yourself notes or set notifications on your smartphone to remind yourself to brush for two minutes every morning and night. Not only will this keep your smile clean, but health experts say that maintaining even a small routine like this can help retain a sense of normalcy and keep your mind at ease.
As we see ourselves through these unprecedented times, remember to watch out for these five stress related bad habits and try practicing stress-management tips from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Learning how to handle stress and protect your dental health from its effects will help keep you and your smile happy and healthy throughout quarantine, as well as long afterwards.
About the Practice
At NeoSmile Dental Care in Spring House, PA, we have always preferred preventing oral health issues instead of treating them once they develop. In line with Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf’s state-wide stay-at-home order, we have made the difficult decision to temporarily close our office. However, we’re still here to help you keep your smile healthy and stop dental problems before they even start. We encourage all our patients to stay safe and continue practicing excellent at-home oral hygiene, and we look forward to serving you when we reopen. If you have questions or concerns, please contact us via our website or at (215) 643-5220.