Now that the days are getting cooler, you know that cold and flu season is just around the corner. Many of us are preparing by getting our annual flu shot and spending extra time washing our hands. For those who are going through Invisalign treatment, this can be especially stressful given that you are constantly pulling out and putting in your clear aligners. Even though it isn’t possible to completely limit all of your exposure to viruses and bacteria, there are still ways that you can lower your risk. Continue reading to learn more from your dentist about how you can avoid getting sick this winter while wearing Invisalign.
Look After Your Hands
This is the most obvious advice you have probably heard. When you have to take out or put in your trays, make sure that you take the time to wash your hands first. It is easy enough to get sick without having to frequently stick your fingers in your mouth. It may not always seem practical to wash your hands when you’re going to eat something, but it is certainly better than spending a week in bed with the flu.
Keep Your Office Area Clean
If you work at a desk or are constantly using a computer or other equipment, you should take some time to clean them. You may think that your desk is clean because you’re the only one who sits there, but the truth is that the average desk contains up to 400 times more germs than a toilet seat. Is that really someplace where you want to be placing your aligners when you take them out? Make sure you disinfect these areas regularly and always use a case to store your trays when you aren’t wearing them.
Stay Hydrated
Water is the only thing you should be consuming while you’re wearing your aligners. It is also necessarily for nearly every part of your body in order to function properly. As it’s getting colder outside, you may notice that your mouth and glands are drying out faster than usual. When you have dry mouth, you are giving bacteria the perfect place to grow. By staying hydrated, you can prevent dry mouth and rinse harmful bacteria off of your teeth.
Keep Your Aligners Clean
Even though it’s always important to keep your aligners clean, it is especially crucial during cold and flu season. If you are putting dirty trays in your mouth, you’re inviting additional bacteria in with them, some of which that could make you sick. Make sure you always clean your aligners before placing them back into your mouth. It is also a good idea to run your care through the dishwasher or thoroughly handwash it.
As stressful as this time of year can be, by taking extra precautions, you can survive this cold and flu season while continuing your Invisalign treatment.
About the Author
At NeoSmile Dental Care, you have not one, but two well-experienced dentists providing quality care to patients in the Spring House area. Dr. Amy E. Farrell pursued her doctorate at the University of Maryland Dental School. Dr. Krunal Patel earned his dental degree from the prestigious New York University College of Dentistry. They offer Invisalign clear aligners as a teeth straightening option. For more information or to schedule a consultation, visit their website or call (215) 643-5220.