The wisdom teeth are the most often extracted teeth by far, but why is this the case? They are usually the last to come in (around the late teens or early twenties), and more often than not, they become stuck because the majority of people simply don’t have enough room for them in their mouths. This can lead to pain towards the back of the jaw, put pressure on the nearby teeth, and even cause an infection. If you or your teen are experiencing any issues due to your wisdom teeth, instead of seeing a specialist, you can get everything you need with Dr. Ghandi at our Spring House dental office!
The first set of molars typically make an appearance between 13 and 19 months, and the second set often emerge between 10 and 12 years of age. The third set of molars (aka “wisdom teeth”) are the last to make an appearance, usually developing between the ages of 17 and 25. For our ancestors, they played a crucial role because of their diet and basic oral care. Today, however, they are more harmful than helpful in most cases.
Wisdom teeth can grow in perfectly straight. Unfortunately, that rarely happens. They are often impacted below the gumline and, if they do emerge, increase the risk of cysts, infections, and cavities. For all of those reasons, patients typically need to have one, a few, or all of their wisdom teeth removed. If you’re unsure if you need your third set of molars removed, don’t hesitate to schedule an appointment at Neosmile Dental Care! We can take X-rays, conduct a comprehensive oral exam, learn about your dental history, and determine if yours need to be extracted.
After giving a patient a brief exam and taking some X-rays of their mouth, we’ll let them know if they should have their wisdom teeth removed. If yes, the procedure will begin with us thoroughly numbing the area around the teeth we intend to extract.
Once a patient can’t feel anything, we’ll remove any gum or bone tissue that is still holding onto the tooth before taking out the tooth itself. We’ll then close the area with self-dissolving stitches. A patient will experience a little swelling and bleeding afterward, but they should feel normal and be able to resume their regular routine in less than a week.
To keep soreness, discomfort, and sensitivity to an absolute minimum during the recovery period, we recommend:
Want to learn more about wisdom tooth extractions? Then the next step is simple: schedule an appointment with one of our talented emergency dentists!
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